Showing posts with label northwoods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label northwoods. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Solo Musky Mission

Friday, June 5th.

With my gear loaded in my car the night before, as soon as I was out of work, I headed North. No one else could go, but I didn't let that stop me. I was on a mission, a musky mission. Ever since I caught my first one last year, I just can't seem to get that fish off of my my best friend, The Fat Gordo, would say, "I'm Musky Minded."

I arrived to my destination with 1.5 hours left of day light. I did not waste any time.

Bugs love the Subie.
Fly Rod.
Extra Fly in my hat.
Go Fish!

40 minutes into my short wade, I hook into something big.

Strip set.

Oh. Wow. It's big! 
(I know, I know...That's what she said.)

After the initial hook up, I could tell what it is by it's ever distinctive fighting style. It kept digging, and digging.
...It's a tank smallie!

Saturday, June 6th.

It was in the mid 70's when went to sleep, but I woke up at 5 am to my car telling me it was 38 degree's outside. Awesome. It eventually warmed up to the mid 70's again.

Clear blue skies. Not the most idea musky conditions, and that theory proved true for the day. I did have 2 follows, but they were definitely only following, and not partaking in any extra curricular activities that day. The only fish that came out to play was this small jaw, I spotted tailing in a shallow pool between some rocks. It was the end of the day, Saturday skunk, no more.

CARF approves of this.
Upon arriving back to my car, I noticed something on my car door handle. To my surprise, it was a tube, that was already rigged. I laughed, because, I immediately knew who left it. He's sort of a tube fanatic. Hahaha It's always good to know you've got friends out there in another state, in the middle of the woods checking on your car. Haha!

Forever thankful for the person who left this tube, for pointing The Fat Gordo and I in the right direction!
After some dinner, and a few New Glarus Moon Men. Exhausted as I was from a very long wade, and casting my 10 weight all day, I mustered up enough to hit a spot of the river from shore. Hooked up with 2 nice sized smallies. 1 on a spinnerbait, and another on a jig 'n Stankx Bait Company sultress trailer. Then back to camp for another sandwich, and the rest of my beer.

Hands down IMO thee hardest fighting fish.
I was rained out on Sunday. Woke up to a huge storm rolling through, and after checking the future forecast, I decided it was best I just start heading home.

The fishing was tough, but that's musky fishing, right?

Until next time.....

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fish Selfie

As I was cleaning out some of my memory cards and viewing footage and pictures before deleting them. (I have quite a few memory cards for my cameras.) I came across a video that is short and sweet. I was attempting to take a selfie, but I clearly did not change the settings on my camera and I took this video. =)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Need some motivation

The start of a new job, adjusting to a new schedule, learning new things, and trying to remember all of it....exhausting! I've been nothing but a bum, when I get home from work.

When I'm at work I stare at my Yeti rambler and think about all of those smallmouth bass that are just waiting to say hi. Then I get home, and I cannot wait to say goodnight.

Winter, you're winning.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 was a good year.

One of my main fishing/outdoor goals this year was to explore new water, and I did just that. Here are the posts that prove it.
  • Gulf of Mexico - Fly fished the Gulf of Mexico and caught my first salt water fish.
  • 31st Street Harbor - Lake Michigan - It's a brand new harbor on Lake Michigan.
  • Orlando Florida - Caught my first gar on the fly.
  • Fox Lake - Fished for the first time from a kayak. Explored new areas and water.
  • Illinois River - Fished for the first time, and from my kayak. The river is HUGE!
  • Northwoods Part 1 - Explored new waters up North.
  • Maumee River Ohio - Wet a line for an hour and found a new place to fish when visiting my best friend.
  • Northwoods Part 2 - Returned to the same area, but explored new sections. I love it up there!
  • Northwoods Part 3 or 4 - Finally hooked up with my first musky. Cannot get enough of the Northwoods!
The Northwoods would definitely be my pick for favorite trip this year. There is just so much water, and wildlife. I would be happy just getting lost in the wilderness for a few days, without my fishing gear up there.

I was also, successful in catching some new species. One of them has been at the top of my list for years, and I finally did it, I caught my first musky! I'm still jazzed by the thought of that beautiful fish eating one of my flies.

I also, caught my first salt water fish in the Gulf of Mexico, a speck/sea trout, and with my fly rod and on one of my flies. Looking forward to visiting Florida, again!

I even hooked up with my first gar on the fly. It was a nice surprise, and definitely a rush, because, I didn't have a proper leader tied on, because, I was bass fishing. I didn't think I was going to find anything with teeth in the lake that I was fishing.

My biggest smallmouth and largemouth bass of the year. I don't weight my fish, so, I'm just guessing, but I'm sure both of them were between 4-5lbs. I can tell you that both were definitely 20+ inches in length.

Looking back on all of my adventures this year, I can only smile and think about all of the good times. 2014 was great, and I'm looking forward to what 2015 has in store for me. I know that it already has a new job lined up for me, and I start the first Monday of the new year. Exciting!

I'm going to continue my 2014 outdoor/fishing resolution to explore new water for 2015. It's amazing how much of it is out there.

I would like to wish all of my friends out there in blogger world a Happy New Year! Cheers to 2015! (Sorry if I forgot anyone.)
I'll end this post with some of my favorite photographs from this year.
Gizzard Shad - Lake Michigan.
Northwoods Smallie ready to be released.
Wading the Gulf of Mexicco. Such an awesome experience!

My biggest DPR Northern Pike of 2014.

The Fat Gordo and I, taking a break from all of the fun.

Friday, October 24, 2014

FSA Custom Rods presents: The Dragon Slayer

The Dragon Slayer
An FSA Custom Rod

Last October (2013), after breaking my 9 wt rod on my fall musky hunt. I was chit chatting with Ed over at FSA Custom Rods, and he talked me into having a backup rod. He didn't have to do much selling on the idea, because, it was already in my head. I mean, why in the world would you not have a back up rod, especially on a fishing trip. I'm such a critical thinker. =)

As the two of us were talking about the build, we both were throwing out the same exact ideas, at the the same damn time. It was extremely hilarious and awkward at the same time. I was starting to think he was literally in my head. We both thought it should be a stealthy build. Black on black with some gunmetal gray mixed in.

"Slate poly, charcoal nylon, gunmetal metallic and bullard black nylon 4 color throop wrap." - FSA Custom Rods
Those throop/tiger wraps really make this rod a thing of beauty. Ed does some outstanding work, and it shows.

More specs on the rod.
  • Matte black 9' - 3 pc - 10 wt.
  • Double locking nut reel seat.
  • Smoke black TiCh snake guides and tip top.
  • Full wells cork grip with x-flock heat shrink over wrap.
I could not be any happier with this rod. The grip on it is fantastic. It doesn't get slippery and it seems to have saved my hand a few blisters. It's performed great, and I cannot wait to see what other big fish this rod helps me land...steelhead...tarpon...snook...a shark? Hopefully, all of those!

If you're interested in contacting Ed about a possible build or if you have any questions about rods, fishing or beer (Ed is a fantastic home brewer) I'm sure he'll be glad to answer your questions. He's a good guy, with some serious talent.


The Dragon Slayer

Monday, October 13, 2014

Musky Lures

Found some big 'ole lures!

This first one I will never use, but it it definitely cool. It's a hand made, hand painted, and designed musky lure from the Lake St. Clair Muskie Guides. An ex-girlfriend of mine bought it for me, as a gift. While I will never use this lure, it's still pretty cool, and I am sort of a tackle junkie. 

This top water lure on the hand, I want to use. I bought this at a local Musky Show last year. The only problem I currently have with this lure is, I don't have a rod & reel set up to handle the size. Maybe next year...or maybe it'll just stay a decorative piece.

Friday, October 3, 2014


Fall is here, and this tree has probably is all different sorts of fall colors by now.

Does anyone have a special place they like to visit to see all of the wonderful colors the trees display this time of year?

Exploring the Northwoods.

New sticker has been added to my Outback.
Yep, I'm a Star Wars fan.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014


"HELL FUCKING YEAH!!!!" - Justin Carfagnini

There really are no other words that could express my excitement, except for those above, in bold capital letters. 

I've been hunting this fish for awhile now. Every outing in musky waters I have gotten closer and closer to landing one. From the follows, swipes, blisters, broken leaders, lost flies, broken rods, sore shoulders, and beaten down confidence, I finally caught my mythical creature, I finally, got my musky.

This was such a special catch for me. Not only did I just catch my first musky, it was a wild musky. I caught it while utilizing my preferred method of fishing - fly fishing, and on a fly that I tied! EXTRA SPECIAL BONUS!!

It was also my first outing with my brand new 10 wt rod that Ed over at FSA Custom Rods finished just days before. The rod is now named "Dragon Slayer."

I'm not really big on weighing or measure fish, but I estimated this one to be about 20 inches, but who's a musky!!!!

I have stared at these pictures multiple times a day since the catch. It's hands down the most beautiful fish I have ever caught. Nothing I have ever caught before compares to the emerald green shimmer and markings of this apex predator - Beautiful Violence.

I can see how guys become totally obsessed with this fish. I believe, that I have just become one of them.

It's known as the fish of 10,000 casts, and to quote my friend, The Fat Gordo - "Now that you got your first, every one after, is just a bonus."

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Dear Musky

Dear Musky that has my fly,

         I just wanted to let you know that I will be returning soon. I hope that you will be able to hang out for a few short moments, so, I can get my fly back.


An exact replica of the fly I lost.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Musky on my mind, again....

I have been in hot pursuit of landing my first musky this year, so, I took another trip to the Northwoods with my best friend The Fat Gordo.

I was standing on some rocks working a pool, and I heard something thrash on the shoreline behind me under an overhanging tree. My first cast was wide, and didn't stir anything up. My second cast landed under the tree inches away from the shoreline. MONEY. After 2 short strips of the line, my fly was replaced with the head of a musky. After I strip set and felt all of the weight, I yelled out to the Fat Gordo, "I've got a Musky!" 

The fight was short, and as I was stepping off of the rock I was standing on, my fly popped loose, and I watched my unicorn swim away.

I casted back to the same spot to show The Fat Gordo where I hooked up, and as I was telling him about the eat, that same musky came out of nowhere and took a swipe at the back of my fly. We were both in surprised. After more than a few casts into that same general area we moved on. We estimated both estimated that musky to be about 30 inches.

The smallies are my favorite. Every single one I have caught up there has been an absolute brute.
As we waded up river, we came across this area that had a ton of cover with weed mats and lily pads. I worked the outsides of the pads and didn't see any action. Then I turned and looked at the weed mat next to me. I casted past it, and worked my fly back, and as it was about 12 yards in front of me, mass chaos began....

A huge musky shot out from underneath that pad, and engulfed my fly with all of it's rage. A double strip set, and I had a musky on, and it was pissed!! I have never seen more violence in the water from a fish in my life, and I'm not going to lie, my knees shook. I cannot even explain what happened next, but as the fish was thrashing like a manic my line shot back towards me. I dropped a major F bomb. The musky must have caught my line past the leader when it was rolling.

Somewhere in the Northwoods, there's a big 35-40 inch musky with a 6/0 cotton candy looking fly in it's mouth. =(

The Fat Gordo working an area he had a mid 30's musky follow.
Always ready for battle.
Catch & Release

Friday, September 12, 2014

Bald-Faced Hornet

Hiking around the Northwoods, I came across this small utility shed/building of sorts. Attached to it was the biggest hive I have ever seen with my 2 eyes. There were these huge black wasp looking things going in and out of it. Did some research and they turned out to be Bald-Faced Hornets. I knew it was a wise choice to keep my distance.

I wonder what's in there....

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Exploring the Northwoods

On a recent trip to the Northwoods of Wisconsin, The Fat Gordo and I took a walk. Instead of wading back to our camp, we decided to take the unbeaten path through the forest. We actually just followed some deer paths.

There was quite a bit of rain that week, so, there was quite a bit of mud. You would have thought it had rained frogs with the amount of frogs we came across while hiking.

We also, came across quite a few different types of mushrooms. I bought and read a book last year so I could better ID the different types of fungi that I would come across, but I did not do a good job of studying it, because, I couldn't ID any of them. Haha

Can you ID it?

A better picture of that bald eagle. It wasn't part of the hike, but who doesn't like looking at this magnificent bird of prey.
One of the things that we were surprised about on our hike, and our trips up here was the lack of wildlife sightings. Yeah, we did see fish, frogs, bald eagles, and few squirrels, but what we thought was missing were the deer, hawks, minks, and beavers. We didn't see any of those. Maybe next year. I'm really hoping to run into some black bears and wolves next year, a safe distance of course. :)

Another shot of The Fat Gordo crossing a mini swamp on a fallen tree.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014

Bald Eagle

While driving back from the Northwoods of Wisconsin, my buddy Fat Gordo and I passed by a bald eagle eating a doe that was on the side of the road. We quickly made a U-turn, but a passing semi truck scared the eagle off of the deer.

Here's a terrible picture of the bald eagle after the semi truck passed by.
After a short while, the eagle just walked around, and then took off into some nearby trees. We were quick to follow the eagle down the road, and to where it was perched. I got out of the car to take some pictures of the eagle and all of it's beauty. 

As I got closer, the bird started to sway and fidget, like it was preparing to take off. I set my GoPro camera to the burst shot setting with hopes of getting shots of this raptor taking off. As I stood almost under the tree, I could hear my buddy Fat Gordo say from the car, "he's gonna go, he's gonna go!" ....after a few more fidgets and a lift of the tail, he went...number 2 that is.

My buddy and I could not control our laughter, because, we were both so sure that he was going to take off. We both would have put money on it. Shortly after the eagle took off, and I missed the opportunity to get those take off pictures, because, I was busy laughing at what had happened.

Thankfully, I was not directly under the tree during the encounter. Although, I hear if a bird poops on you it's good luck, I wonder how much luck a bald eagle would have brought me. Ha