Thursday, February 12, 2015

I forgot how to count.

Needing to fill an order for a dozen Zebra Midges. I grabbed my size 22 hooks, beads, wire, and my newly acquired half hitch Rite Bobbin (Review to come after extensive use). I thought I had counted out 12, but when I was finished, I only had 11 flies, and of course I had already put everything away....I've been trying to keep my desk as organized as possible.

My last Bells Hop Slam. Sad face.
Maybe a few too many of these led to me miscounting the flies.


  1. Just call it a "drinker's dozen"...
    They look good to me!

    1. That's PERFECT!!! HAHAHA!! That can apply to so many situations.

  2. I, would call it a Senior Moment. You are old enough for Senior Moments so i guess it falls into a Brain F... Drink on Brother.

  3. I like Michaels drinkers dozen idea, maybe if you suggest they send you another beer you will throw in 2 more.

    1. That's not a bad idea! Michael's "Drinkers Dozen" is genius.
