Wednesday, May 8, 2013

F3T - Wilmette, Illinois

There were only a couple of films that really grasped my attention.
  1. Urban Lines
  2. Blackwater: Devils Gold
  3. Riding High: The Science of Tarpon
All of the films were great, and had some nice story lines, history, and cinematography. It's just those were the only 3 that were for me. (Remember: Everyone has different tastes)

All in all, it was an excellent night. Met some awesome people, discovered a new favorite beer (Three Floyds Brewing - Alpha King...Delicious!) and I even walked out of the theater a winner of one of the giveaways. Can't beat free stuff!!!

I won a TU hat, Heart of the Driftless DVD, some stickers, and an Orvis Gale Force Sling Pack. How awesome is that. Now all I need is the regular sling pack, and I will own all of them. Haha

I love me some free stuff...especially if it's fishing related.

I am already looking forward to next years F3T!!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Surprise, It's Trout!

The past few day's have been an absolute hell. I've been stuck inside sick with some sort of virus that has been kicking my ass. I haven't even had the energy or motivation to tie anything. Just lay around like a potato.

This evening I finally was feeling good, and antsy to get out to my local lake, because, it was so nice out the past few days, and today was just awesome. It felt like it was close to the 70's, and there was hardly any wind. Got out to my local lake and began to cast. Started with a black wooly bugger, and quickly switched to a small bead head I tied. I was curious as to how fast  it would sink. 2 cast and I had a follow from some bluegill, and hooked up with a few.

The Bluegill loved this fly!
Once I was done fooling around with them, I tied on a small ep baitfish pattern I had tied with hopes of hooking up with some bass cruising the shallows. After my first cast and fixing the line that had wrapped itself around my reel, I gave the line a 2 strips and BAM!!! Thought I had a bass until it went airborne, and I saw that it was a rainbow trout. I was very surprised to see that there were some survivor stocker rainbows in the lake.

Surprise, it's Trout!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

That's more like it!!!

Few days ago, I was leaving work a few hour later than I expected. As I was driving out of the parking lot I noticed there was someone fishing, so, being the curious type I drove over toward the person. Turns out that they were fly fishing, and I got really excited then. Got out and walked over to him, and turns out it someone that I know that works in the same building. Who would have thought!

I got my gear out of my car, and fished with him. I have only tried fishing the lake at work a few times with no luck a month ago. Today was a whole new story. He was throwing a black wooly bugger size 8 I believe, and he caught a big crappie, and then he caught another big crappie. I wasn't using a black wooly bugger, and I was catching nothing. 

So, I made the logical choice in switching to a black wooly bugger. After a few casts I hooked into a few bluegill, and then some nice crappie. Then I started fishing off of one of the small bridges, and tied on a larger wooly bugger, and what do ya know...hooked up with a decent sized bass! Unfortunatly, she fought like a dead fish. She was also full of eggs (I'm assuming) After jumping down the side of the bridge and catching a rear end full of thorns from the bush I was trying to avoid, I was able to release her, and call it a night.

Some really nice crappie here. They were all averaging this size.
Damn thorn bushes!
I assume she was full of eggs.