Thursday, July 4, 2019

Vedavoo: Dirty Harry No-Kink Reel Case

The Paul Puckett Dirty Harry design is back!  I remember when Vedavoo released t-shirts of this design a long while back.  I still wear that t-shirt to this day.  So stoked to see Dirty Harry make a return.  Definitely going to need to pick one of these up.

Vedavoo Limited Edition Dirty Harry No-Kink Reel Case

Paul Puckett knocked it out of the park with this one!

Monday, June 3, 2019

Glass Is Not Dead

#glassisnotdead - The Fiberglass Manifesto

Picked up a new/used Cabelas CGR fiberglass rod (5'9" - 3 wt) at a recent gear swap at Bob Mitchell's Fly Shop.  It had a broken tip, but that was an easy fix.  My homie Drew was building himself a new rod, and he was putting together an order, so, I had him add a new tip top guide to shopping list.  The new tip top fit like a glove, and my new glass rod had a new life.

Perfect for the #icatchsmallfishtour
Since I already own a 3 wt rod set up I got years ago, I didn't need to purchase a new line or reel for the glass rod.  I'll just use the reel for both rods, and that is A-okay with me.  It actually fits the rod perfectly, and I was able to take it out right away to test it out on a local lake before all of the heavy weeds grew in.

So many bluegill were caught.
Bunch of crappie this size.
Rod bends in to the evening.
It was a fun time out there with this rod, and I'm looking forward to using it more and more this summer.  It's crazy how much bend there is!  It's the perfect rod for the #icatchsmallfishtour

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Vedavoo: Reel Service Project VI

VEDAVOO started the REEL SERVICE PROJECT as a means to raise funds for worthy causes and in this case, Captains for Clean Water.  VEDAVOO messenger bags featuring the original artwork of marquis artists Paul Puckett and Jorge Martinez were built as prizes for those who support these efforts.  100% of the proceeds from will directly benefit the featured charity.  All construction, materials, artwork and administrative expenses have been donated.

Artwork by Jorge Martinez

Artwork by Paul Puckett

The Vedavoo Reel Service Project VI ends on June 1st