Showing posts with label smallie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smallie. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Solo Musky Mission

Friday, June 5th.

With my gear loaded in my car the night before, as soon as I was out of work, I headed North. No one else could go, but I didn't let that stop me. I was on a mission, a musky mission. Ever since I caught my first one last year, I just can't seem to get that fish off of my my best friend, The Fat Gordo, would say, "I'm Musky Minded."

I arrived to my destination with 1.5 hours left of day light. I did not waste any time.

Bugs love the Subie.
Fly Rod.
Extra Fly in my hat.
Go Fish!

40 minutes into my short wade, I hook into something big.

Strip set.

Oh. Wow. It's big! 
(I know, I know...That's what she said.)

After the initial hook up, I could tell what it is by it's ever distinctive fighting style. It kept digging, and digging.
...It's a tank smallie!

Saturday, June 6th.

It was in the mid 70's when went to sleep, but I woke up at 5 am to my car telling me it was 38 degree's outside. Awesome. It eventually warmed up to the mid 70's again.

Clear blue skies. Not the most idea musky conditions, and that theory proved true for the day. I did have 2 follows, but they were definitely only following, and not partaking in any extra curricular activities that day. The only fish that came out to play was this small jaw, I spotted tailing in a shallow pool between some rocks. It was the end of the day, Saturday skunk, no more.

CARF approves of this.
Upon arriving back to my car, I noticed something on my car door handle. To my surprise, it was a tube, that was already rigged. I laughed, because, I immediately knew who left it. He's sort of a tube fanatic. Hahaha It's always good to know you've got friends out there in another state, in the middle of the woods checking on your car. Haha!

Forever thankful for the person who left this tube, for pointing The Fat Gordo and I in the right direction!
After some dinner, and a few New Glarus Moon Men. Exhausted as I was from a very long wade, and casting my 10 weight all day, I mustered up enough to hit a spot of the river from shore. Hooked up with 2 nice sized smallies. 1 on a spinnerbait, and another on a jig 'n Stankx Bait Company sultress trailer. Then back to camp for another sandwich, and the rest of my beer.

Hands down IMO thee hardest fighting fish.
I was rained out on Sunday. Woke up to a huge storm rolling through, and after checking the future forecast, I decided it was best I just start heading home.

The fishing was tough, but that's musky fishing, right?

Until next time.....

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Don't forget about me!

Lately, I have been having a hard time finding the time to get to the keyboard. Juggling life, work, my Pig Farm Ink - Iron Fly event, trips, and fly tying orders has my plate pretty full.

This is just a friendly reminder, that I am still around, and looking forward to catching up with all of my blogging buddies.

For now, enjoy some underwater shots!

A friendly carp that would not eat a fly.

Let 'em go, to let 'em grow!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Memorial Day Fishing

This past Memorial Day I did quite a bit of fishing. Before I get to how my day went, I would just like to say, Thank You, to all of those who gave their life for our country.

I started the day off at my favorite creek. The weather was all over the place. It was cloudy, drizzling, sunny, down pouring, sunny, cloudy, drizzling, etc.... I didn't mind the weather too much. I was prepared with my rain coat. The fishing was excellent. I caught 2 smallies, and 1 shad. I was tossing a damsel like fly in an olive color. The fish seemed to like it. After spotting 2 really nice sized smallies, I went home to make myself an early lunch.

Once lunch was done, I hung out with these 2. Per the usual, we ran around the house and played tug of war, and that lead to a nap, to wait out the down pouring rain.

Once the skies cleared up, I took the pups on a walk, and then I grabbed my spinning rod, so, I could fish the backyard lake. Hooked up with the bass pictured below on a wacky rigged Senko in the purple color. I hooked into a bigger bass soon after, but it proved to be no match for my skills, because, she snapped my line. I guesstimated it to be 4-4.5lbs. I think I tried to over power the bass...whoops.

As the evening progressed, I decided to take a short drive with, Bo, to check out my honey hole. There was a ton of top water activity across the lakes surface. I decided to toss a black popper, and the crappie just could not resist. The swan was not impressed....STOP LOOKING AT ME SWAN!

Thank you, again, to all of those who gave their lives for our great country.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

High Water Floating

Recently, I was invited out to float the Fox River with Kurt from a Tight Loop magazine and Sean from Rushing Waters. I was pretty excited and nervous at the same time. I was excited, because, I have never fished from a drift boat before, and I was just thinking of all of the knowledge I could gain from these two experienced fly anglers. I was nervous, because, having never been in a drift boat before meant, I didn't know how to row a drift boat, and I was well aware of the new guy rule when it came to rowing. I should also mention, I was scared of everyone seeing my non-tight looped casting abilities.

The weather looked picture perfect, but man, was that wind howling! There were some storms that passed a few days prior to our float, so, the water levels were up about 2 feet, if I remember correctly. We were all in search of smallies, the occasional pike, and maybe even a surprise musky...but we weren't holding our breath.

With the high water there were quite a few flooded areas. This is where the carp were all feasting and soaking up the sun, and we even spotted a few pike in spawning mode. We switched our tactics and tried sight fishing for these golden behemoths, but were not able to find any takers.

The fishing was tough, and 1 smallie was boated all day by Kurt. He hooked up with it on a very nice cast underneath a bridge. The smallie was right where it should have been.

All in all it was a great time. There were a bunch of laughs, a few beers, ciders, and doughnuts. Another "THANK YOU" goes out to Kurt and Sean! Thank you, for not making me row on such a windy day, giving me the front of the boat, and teaching me proper drift boat etiquette on poach casting. Haha

I owe you guys big, next time!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Eye of the Fire Tiger

+Dave from Urban Assault Fly Fishing was headed down to Florida for a week. I tied him up some of my white and gray EP fiber baitfish. Hopefully, these worked out for him down there. If not, I'm sure these will catch some bass around our parts.

I also tied him up a gurgler. Just like the baitfish, if he doesn't catch anything on it down in Florida, it'll most definitely be able to attract some bass up here. One thing I did with this pattern was glue the 2 pieces of foam together, which I have never done in the past, and it makes for a much better fly. Always learning, I am. 

Eye of the Fire Tiger. I've got it! 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Baby Something

With extremely beautiful weather of 60 degrees that we've been experiencing, I've found a resurgence in my motivation (I think it's because I can now wear shorts!). I've been getting a ton accomplished around the house, and at the vise. The lake in the backyard is showing open water along the shorelines, and it has me fired up. I've been a tying machine! Filling up empty slots in my personal arsenal.

On my musky and pike flies, I normally use eyes with a clear cure goo head, but I've been wanting to try something different. I've seen quite a few people using spun deer hair on the heads of their flies, so, they're able to push more water around. So, I gave it a whirl, and I am extremely happy with the results.

What do you think it best resembles?
+ Mouse / Rat
+ Muskrat
+ Baby beaver
+ Smallmouth Bass
+ Baby squirrel

I think it resembles all of those in some way, but I smell a rat. Here's to hoping those DPR pike, and musky up North love these!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

How to fish like the Pro's

With the Bass Master Classic going on down in South Carolina right now, I figured there was no better time than to help out all of you hopeful Bass Pro fisherman out. I hope you have a crayon and construction paper ready for some notes, because, you're going to want to write all of this down, that is of course, if you don't have access to a printer.

Bass Pro - Mike Iaconelli
Justin Carfagnini's: How to fish like the Pro's

The basics:
1. Rod - It just doesn't matter.
2. Reel - It just doesn't matter.
3. Line - It just doesn't matter.

The secret combo to becoming a Bass Pro:

1. Red and white bobber - It's a classic, and classics catch fish.

2. Steel leader - Because, you never know when you're going to run into those toothy predators. It also, has a snap at the end, so, you can change out whatever lure you didn't know how to use out, for other lures you do not know how to use.

3. Red/white Daredevle spoon - It flat out catches fish.

Take a moment and gather yourself. I know your mind has just been blown away. 

To give you a visual of what this type of set up looks like, and it's capabilities, please see below. I discovered the secret back in 2005, and have enough will power and knowledge of self to know, that I just cannot handle it's fish catching powers. So, in the year 2005, it stayed.

...and here is a closer look at the set up. It was extremely effective in catching crayfish/crawfish, too. You might ask yourself, but why would you want to catch those when you're out bass fishing a big tournament. Simple answer - to see what color they are, so, you can better match the forage of body of water you're trying to win big bucks on, duh!

Yankee's hat...I definitely don't remember that. What in the hell? haha
Hope this helps all of you out there!!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Fly Tying video...failed.

So, I attempted to make a fly tying video, and this screen shot from the footage was the only thing worth sharing. Maybe next time....

Here's a cool video from Fly Fishing the Ozarks. These Iron Fly events hosted by Pig Farm Ink look pretty cool, and fun. A great way to get people who haven't tied involved. It's a completely different way to promote the sport, but I believe it's perfect for the times today. I hope to partake in one of these events this year, where, I don't know, so, we shall see!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fish Selfie

As I was cleaning out some of my memory cards and viewing footage and pictures before deleting them. (I have quite a few memory cards for my cameras.) I came across a video that is short and sweet. I was attempting to take a selfie, but I clearly did not change the settings on my camera and I took this video. =)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Need some motivation

The start of a new job, adjusting to a new schedule, learning new things, and trying to remember all of it....exhausting! I've been nothing but a bum, when I get home from work.

When I'm at work I stare at my Yeti rambler and think about all of those smallmouth bass that are just waiting to say hi. Then I get home, and I cannot wait to say goodnight.

Winter, you're winning.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Carf Outdoors Decals

What do you think?

I think it's pretty awesome!!!!

Ryan of Dead Weight Fly created me this awesome logo of a smallmouth bass chasing a baitfish fly. If you are not familiar with his work, you should definitely take a minute to peruse his site. Your eyes will not be disappointed. He is incredibly talented! Check out his metal sculptures - one word - RIDICULOUS!

I ordered some stickers with my new logo design on them, and I just received an email that they will be shipped out tomorrow. If you're interested in purchasing a sticker please shoot me an email at - 

I will also, be having a holiday giveaway that will include some flies and a few decals, so, be on the look out for that post!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Stankx Bait Company

Here are the baits I used from Stankx Bait Company this year.

These tubes were irresistible to the smallies in the rivers up in the North Woods of Wisconsin. Hands down the best tubes you can get. Not one of the tubes in the package had an uncut skirt. Kudos for that! I will definitely be ordering more of these bad boys!

The "Mud Bugz" - I to use this as a trailer on my skirted jigs. I caught some tank largemouth bass utilizing this trailer. The color pattern is one of their custom colors - Gobi Wan. Being a star wars fan, I just had to go with it. (Sad to not see product not on their website anymore.)

The NXT LVL Swimz - these were new to me this year, and they were a fish favorite. I would rig these up with either a weightless offset hook, or a weighted one to get deeper and farther. This became one of my go to search baits when I was out with my traditional gear. The bass loved these! I even caught a few pike on them, as well. The colors on these really pop, and grab your attention.

.40 Caliber Stix in Aurora
I didn't get to use these, because, of all of the success I had with all of the other baits, and my fly gear. However, I did give a few to my friends, and they were thoroughly impressed with how slow this bait fell when rigged wacky. I'm looking forward to giving these a shot next year. I was never really good with the wacky rig technique, but that's one of my goals next summer.

All in all, I must say, that Stankx Bait Company creates some high quality plastics. There is a definitive difference, and once you get your hands on one of their products, you will immediately feel it. While I do favor and prefer fishing with my fly rod, I do still use my baitcaster and spinning rod from time to time, but I don't have as much tackle as I used to 7 or 8 years ago. I gave all of my other plastics and some lures away, because, I didn't need them, and they were just taking up space. Once I run out of my current supply of plastics, I'll definitely be ordering from Stankx Bait Company.

**Note - I have no ties or have received anything free for writing this review. I am just simply letting you know my opinion. I'm all for supporting the smaller companies who make a high quality product.

***All photos were taken from the Stankx Bait Company website.***

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Vedavoo Torchbearer Elites

I'm a huge fan of Vedavoo products and what they stand for! I probably wear a Vedavoo t-shirt 5 out of 7 days a week. I have quite a few Vedavoo products that I have yet to write a review for, but look for those in the coming weeks. (Hip pack, Leader Wallet, Bench Basin, and a recycled wallet.)

Recently, they came out with an online magazine, and I think you should definitely check it out - Vedavoo Torch. There's some pretty cool stuff in there. You will also, find my picture on page 25 under the Vedavoo Torchbearer Elites. Pretty awesome to have been recognized as an Elite. I'll try not to let it get to my head. =)

Monday, October 13, 2014

Musky Lures

Found some big 'ole lures!

This first one I will never use, but it it definitely cool. It's a hand made, hand painted, and designed musky lure from the Lake St. Clair Muskie Guides. An ex-girlfriend of mine bought it for me, as a gift. While I will never use this lure, it's still pretty cool, and I am sort of a tackle junkie. 

This top water lure on the hand, I want to use. I bought this at a local Musky Show last year. The only problem I currently have with this lure is, I don't have a rod & reel set up to handle the size. Maybe next year...or maybe it'll just stay a decorative piece.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Musky on my mind, again....

I have been in hot pursuit of landing my first musky this year, so, I took another trip to the Northwoods with my best friend The Fat Gordo.

I was standing on some rocks working a pool, and I heard something thrash on the shoreline behind me under an overhanging tree. My first cast was wide, and didn't stir anything up. My second cast landed under the tree inches away from the shoreline. MONEY. After 2 short strips of the line, my fly was replaced with the head of a musky. After I strip set and felt all of the weight, I yelled out to the Fat Gordo, "I've got a Musky!" 

The fight was short, and as I was stepping off of the rock I was standing on, my fly popped loose, and I watched my unicorn swim away.

I casted back to the same spot to show The Fat Gordo where I hooked up, and as I was telling him about the eat, that same musky came out of nowhere and took a swipe at the back of my fly. We were both in surprised. After more than a few casts into that same general area we moved on. We estimated both estimated that musky to be about 30 inches.

The smallies are my favorite. Every single one I have caught up there has been an absolute brute.
As we waded up river, we came across this area that had a ton of cover with weed mats and lily pads. I worked the outsides of the pads and didn't see any action. Then I turned and looked at the weed mat next to me. I casted past it, and worked my fly back, and as it was about 12 yards in front of me, mass chaos began....

A huge musky shot out from underneath that pad, and engulfed my fly with all of it's rage. A double strip set, and I had a musky on, and it was pissed!! I have never seen more violence in the water from a fish in my life, and I'm not going to lie, my knees shook. I cannot even explain what happened next, but as the fish was thrashing like a manic my line shot back towards me. I dropped a major F bomb. The musky must have caught my line past the leader when it was rolling.

Somewhere in the Northwoods, there's a big 35-40 inch musky with a 6/0 cotton candy looking fly in it's mouth. =(

The Fat Gordo working an area he had a mid 30's musky follow.
Always ready for battle.
Catch & Release

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Ohio Smallie

While visiting my best friend who lives just outside of Toledo, Ohio, I was able to fished the Maumee River one day for about 45 minutes. The river is huge! The section I fished was wide. It had a mix of deep pools and shallow sections.

I was being a rebel, and did not purchase a fishing license, so, it was going to be a very short outing. I was tossing a black spinnerbait with a Colorado blade. In my short time I was able to hook up with a beautiful smallmouth bass. I hooked up with 2 of the biggest white bass I have ever seen, but I was unable to bring them to hand, and they self released after going airborne. I also, snagged a line that had a live gar the end of it, but I wasn't able to get the line close enough to grab, so, I could help set the fish free. Bummed about that one.

Looking forward to returning out there for an extended trip, and getting a fishing license, so, I'm not looking over my shoulder after every cast.