Showing posts with label panfish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label panfish. Show all posts

Monday, March 10, 2014

An Icy Wade

I went fishing.

Checked out my favorite creek in search of some early season smallies, but the outing didn't last long. Much of the creek was still covered in about 3 inches of ice. I spent 1/3 of my time pretending to be an ice breaker. That stopped when I couldn't break any more ice to wade through, and when I got bored of watching the mini icebergs float down stream. (Also, because, I realized that I probably looked like a clown out there.)

No fish were caught.

No fish were seen.

Went home and took a nap.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

It's a Midwest thing

Reasons why I have never gone ice fishing in the past:
1. I don't see the enjoyment of fishing from a hole in the ice.
2. If there's ice, that usually means it cold....not a big fan.
3. Being a bigger guy, I have a fear of stepping on the ice, breaking it, and falling through.
4. I like to move around when I fish, not sit in one spot.
5. Did I mention that it's usually cold out?
I knew not to expect this...but there nothing wrong with wishful thinking, right!
So, I went ice fishing for the first time with a friend who had invited me out. He had an extra ice fishing rod, and I needed a fishy fix.

The outing was short, different, and exhausting. The ice was 16 inches thick, and a pain in the ass to auger for a first timer. After drilling my first hole through the ice and dropping a line, the action was immediate. I hooked up with 3 bluegill, one after another. FUN! Then the bite died. My buddy finished the short outing with 6 bluegill and 1 crappie.

Did this change my mind about ice fishin...No.

Will I go ice fishing again...Yes, but I'm not spending a dime on ice fishing gear!


***(For some reason this post went back to draft, and took changed on me.....WTF Google!)***

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day

I've been keeping myself very busy this winter.

The weather is on the up, and I cannot wait until I see some open water.

Hope everyone enjoys their Valentines day, and hope you all remembered to get your significant other a gift. (That is, if you do Valentines Day.) ...myself...always forget, but don't really recognize it. (Fake day). Do yourself a favor, and watch this video. Hilarious! Valentines Day with CVS

I will be paying a visit to CVS when I leave the office today. Ha!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Winter Sucks

This winter definitely sucks.
The snow keeps falling.
It gets colder and colder.
My cabin fever rises
I am beginning to lose patients.
That groundhog better see it's shadow.

I've been tying some small stuff lately. Any advise is appreciated.

Bead head brassie size 14
Steelhead Blue Prince Nymph Size 14
Olive Prince Nymph size 14
A bunch of size 10 green grublins.

Size 22 zebra midge.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Chi-Tie -- January

FINALLY, I was able to make it downtown Chicago to Galaway Bay (A dive bar), to tie flies, and share a beer or two with some fellow Chicago area fly fishermen at a monthly event deemed CHI-TIE.

On this Monday night of Chi-Tie, Tim of Critical Angling, was demonstrating how to tie a "Scooby Snack" with Orvis Chicago provided us with materials needed to tie this pattern. Tim, was extremely helpful, and provided excellent step-by-step instruction of this pattern. I look forward to fishing this pattern for bass, and possibly carp when winter leaves.

Material list...(If I can remember correctly. I know I am forgetting something....)
1. Hook (I forgot...haha)
2. Dumbbell Eyes
3. Crystal Flash
4. Zonker Strip
5. Barred Marabou
6. Rubber Legs
7. Elk Hair

Fur, feathers, hooks, and beer!
Finished product. Everyone trimmed their Elk Hair differently. This was mine.

Here's a fly I tied after the demonstration for, Dave at Urban Assault Fly Fishing.

A very dapper bass killer.

It was a fun night full of laughs and great conversation. Looking forward to the next one!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Just the beginning...

Over the Summer, I learned that one of the guys at my place of employment just started fly fishing. So, whenever we see each other in the halls (Which is like 2 times a day) we talk about fly fishing...well I talk, and he listens and asks questions.

Well, my enthusiasm and love for the sport of fly fishing and fly tying has rubbed off on him, and over Christmas he purchased his first vise. Got himself a Peak Rotary vise, same as me. I recommend some YouTube videos and even showed him a few things one day.

Just last week he returned a small LL Bean box that I had given him filled with a few flies that I tied. My eyes popped when I opened the box. He had tied some beautiful damsels, and mating damsels (Referred to some as "The Double D"). I was thorouly impressed and told him, but he played it off like it was a simple tie. Sure there are simple ties, but you still have to make them look good, and these looked outstanding!

Share your passions!

I will be sharing all feedback/compliments about his flies with him.
It's safe to say - this is only the beginning of his fly fishing addiction.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Fly Tying Zone!

I am in the fly tying zone, as of late.

Recently, finished a few orders for some flies. Really cool to have someone reach out and offer to buy something that you've created. Even cooler to think that the flies that I tied will end up in some fish faces not from my neck of the woods. These are my first flies using Hareline Dubbin Senyo Laser Dub...excellent material, and super easy to use! I might be addicted to it.
Some clousers and San Juan worms. (The tips have since been burned.)
New patters!

Really cool to see that Clear Cure Goo used one of my flies for their cover picture on Facebook.

Articulated and Sassy!! - Check out those eyes. They say "Bite Me"

Keep your eye on the look out for some great deals. Found this one at Target on one of the end caps. It's too bad there wasn't anymore or other colors. Definitely, a steal! 
These are going to be awesome for panfish, and small creek smallies.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Vise Season

With the cooler temps, and the sun going down at 6 PM. There is not much time for me to get out and fish during the week. This allows me to sit at my desk and tie an abundance of flies that will never get used. Haha. I also have a goal of using up most of the material that I already have, before I purchase some different material, so, I can tie up some new patterns. (Doubt that will happen. I've been itching to get to my local fly shop for some new material.)

If anyone is interested in purchasing any of the flies that I have posted in this post or past posts, please feel free to contact me. =)

Size 2 - Rainbow Trout and Shad with CCG eyes and head.

Size 2 - Large Mouth Bass with CCG eyes and head.

Foam Slider for Pan fish. (Fly Fish Food pattern - Foam Dragon.)

Pink Eggs - Size 8

Learned this pattern at the 2013 Early Show. Unfortunately, I forgot the tiers name. I added heavier dumbbell eyes rather than the chain bead eyes. Swims with the hook point up. Wooley Bugger 2.0?

Gettin' weird! - I was really bored. Haha

Thursday, April 25, 2013

That's more like it!!!

Few days ago, I was leaving work a few hour later than I expected. As I was driving out of the parking lot I noticed there was someone fishing, so, being the curious type I drove over toward the person. Turns out that they were fly fishing, and I got really excited then. Got out and walked over to him, and turns out it someone that I know that works in the same building. Who would have thought!

I got my gear out of my car, and fished with him. I have only tried fishing the lake at work a few times with no luck a month ago. Today was a whole new story. He was throwing a black wooly bugger size 8 I believe, and he caught a big crappie, and then he caught another big crappie. I wasn't using a black wooly bugger, and I was catching nothing. 

So, I made the logical choice in switching to a black wooly bugger. After a few casts I hooked into a few bluegill, and then some nice crappie. Then I started fishing off of one of the small bridges, and tied on a larger wooly bugger, and what do ya know...hooked up with a decent sized bass! Unfortunatly, she fought like a dead fish. She was also full of eggs (I'm assuming) After jumping down the side of the bridge and catching a rear end full of thorns from the bush I was trying to avoid, I was able to release her, and call it a night.

Some really nice crappie here. They were all averaging this size.
Damn thorn bushes!
I assume she was full of eggs.