Tuesday, December 22, 2015

2015 Year End Review: Part 1 of 2

My 2015 fishing season was outstanding, and not because of the fishing.  It was awesome, because, of the new and old friends I had the honor of sharing the water with.  Lots of good times, fish, beers, and laughs.  I just want to send out a big "Thank You" to all who made time spent on the water fun.

Here's UA Dave and I floating the Des Plains River at the beginning of the year in January.  Click here to see the old post - Winter Pike Float with Urban Assault Fly Fishing.

Looking forward to our trips in 2016, dude!

UA Dave and I floating with I-90 & I-190 behind us.
Later in the Spring I was invited out to float and explore the Fox with Kurt of a Tight Loop Magazine, and Sean of Rushing Waters.  T'was a great time that we definitely need to repeat come 2016.  Click here to see the old post - High Water Floating.

Kurt chillen with Sean on the oars.  I'm rowing next time!
Hunting musky with Mike until Midnight was an awesome experience.  There were no fish caught, but I learned that musky lures can fly into trees and never be returned.  I haven't forgotten about you, Mike!  I'm still on the hunt for that lure! Haha.  Read all about that night here -  We're Huntin' Musky.

Mike casting top water lures as the sun sets.
WCF BBQ at Beck Lake, hosted by the meat man himself, Kevin of Utopia Cigars.  It was great meeting, fishing, and throwing back some brewski's with all of you guys...Keith, Marcus, DanK, Tom, and Tim.  I apologize if I omitted you from this list.  Here's the post - Windy City Fishing BBQ at Beck Lake.

BBQ at my place this winter when the lake freezes over!

Kevin and Keith in the S'canoe.  Such a great water craft!
DanK and I always know how to have a good time.  This was a particularly fun day fishing Popar Creek and the lake behind my house, where DanK put on a clinic, hooking up with some monster bass.  Click here to see the old post - Creek Time.

CARF and DanK doubled up on smallies.
WCF Des Plains River outing.  What an awesome time on some local water with a whole bunch of guys from the forum.  DanK, Marcus, Keith, Todd, Piker Mike, Joe, Sully, Zach, John, Dan P, Saul, and SkiFish...It was great meeting all of those I have not met before, and always good to fish with the guys that I have.  Looking forward to next years float!  Check out the old post and video here - WCF DPR Floatilla.

The after float BBQ.
Keith and I with a DPR double.  This was a fun float that I cannot remember if I wrote about or not, and if I did, I don't know where it is. Haha.  Good times, man!

Keith is a DPR monster slayer!
Shout out to Adam aka The Slaunch Mob aka WindyCityFlyFishing.  Glad you've jumped on board with fly fishing, and I'm looking forward to more outings with you, hopefully, there's fish involved, too! haha  Click here for the post - Fly Fishing with The Slaunch Mob.

Another shout out to DanK.  Unexplored water on the Kishwaukee River is awaiting us.  That float was an absolute blast, and I cannot wait to explore more of that river when you get your new kayak!  Here's the post - Fish Da Kish.

Oh, and I want to wish you a speedy recovery with your achilles tendon!  If you're not fully healed by Spring, I will carry you to your kayak, homie! I got you! haha

Another CARF and DanK smallie double!
Last but not least, a shout out to the one and only, The Fat Gordo.  Let's keep it gangsta in 2016!

The Fat Gordo and I floating down river in my kayak.
Another big "THANK YOU" to all of you who I shared the water with this year, and making my 2015 season as awesome as it was!
**I apologize if I left you off of here, and I hope you call me out for it!**

Monday, December 21, 2015

Muddy Explorations

The Chicago Bears weren't looking pretty, and it was seemingly nice outside, so, I took the dogs for a walk, and then venture over to the area of Poplar Creek that I had never fished before. Click here for the previous post - Local Exploring.

Armed with my 3 wt, a sweater, and the bare necessities packed in my Vedavoo Utility Belt, and Hip Pack, I set out with zero expectations.

Gray skies, bare trees, and muddy banks.

It sure was nice to get out and wet a line in some unfamiliar water.  Although, I was not able to entice anything.  Looking forward to fishing this stretch in the summer months.  I have a feeling it's a happening place for fun sized smallies and panfish.

Minimum Cowbell.
A bass pattern I've been tying that's inspired by Nick Granato's pattern Maximum Cowbell.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Flies Flying Off The Vise

T'was a busy night at the vise.  My buddy UA Dave and I are thinking about getting a table at an upcoming fly fishing show in Wisconsin - River Falls Fly Fishing Festival.  So, I've begun to stock up on some of my favorite patterns, and make them ready and available to purchase at our table.

Below you'll find 6 - 2/0 Musky/Pike/Bass baitfish in my favorite color pattern, I Hate Cotton Candy.  These just need to get eyed up, clear cure goo'd, and they're finished.

Reminder - If there is any interest in purchasing some of my flies, please feel free to shoot me an email at carfoutdoors@gmail.com.

I recently won some stickers from the ever so generous The Fly Trout.  These are some great stickers, and really wish the world would take note from the "Make Bugs Not War" sticker.  Check out their website for some really cool and fun apparel, hats, and stickers. 

Thank you, again, for having the contest The Fly Trout!!