I finally, got most of my things organized at my GF's new place. One of the things I was looking forward to getting cleaned off was my fly tying desk, because, it's fly tying season!!! The desk may look clean now, but don't you worry. It'll be a complete mess in 2 weeks. There's going to be buck tail, feathers, and all kinds of other dead animal fur all over the place, and soon enough, my GF might have me looking for a new place, if I don't clean it up. Haha....we all know there is almost no way to keep a dedicated fly tying area clean, for long anyway.
With that said, I just couldn't wait to get the vise out, and making a mess. I had a few orders that were put on hold while I was in the process of moving, so, that was first on my agenda.
Finished up an order for a local guy who just started out fly fishing, and has been wanting to hook up with some pike with his 8 wt. Tied him up 3 goodies. 2 to his color specifications, and 1 chef's choice. The fire tiger pattern is my go to for my local river, the Des Plains River.
I can already hear my GF yelling for me to get the vacuum.
Let the fun begin! =)