Another installment of - bored and going through old photos.
My first Northern Pike - It was Spring of who knows what year. I could probably look it up on the photo details, but I'm lazy. I remember meeting up my buddy Frank aka Bobba-Dood, at a section of a small creek that forms a rather large pool. The pool is home to a plethora of fish that fall over the dam of a big lake in the area. Musky, Pike, Largemouth Bass, Catfish, Walleye, Crappie, and other panfish. I wouldn't be surprised to find sharks and mermaids/mermen living in there.
I was tossing a white spinnerbait with my baitcaster.
Here's a little back story. I was just learning how to use a baitcaster, and all winter I was watching KVD (Kevin Van Dam) videos on YouTube. So, needless to say, I was pretty jazzed and inspired to get out there.
I took Mr. KVD's advice and let that spinnerbait sink to the bottom before I started my retrieve, slowly brought it in, hitting everything I could, and sure enough...I got a hook up! ...and to my surprise it was a Northern Pike! For me to say I was excited would be an understatement.
Smile for the camera! |
For so long pike and musky eluded me (musky much longer...until this past year). No matter how big or small your first fish of a certain species is, you'll always remember the story. I know that goes for me. Maybe that only goes for me, because, I'm not a geezer, yet. =)