Showing posts with label outdoors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outdoors. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Found myself in Wisconsin with some time to spare, so, I did the logical thing....I went trout fishing.  I was out and about enjoying the weather and hiking around Willow River State Park, and afterwards, I decided to head on down the road to the Kinnickinnic River.  I grabbed my FSA custom 3 wt, Vedavoo hip pack, and Tacky fly box, tied on a top water bug I've been working on, and walked on down to a new spot I scoped out back in June.

The no name fly I've been working on was the ticket and my fly box was not needed.  I found some rising trout on the tail end of some small riffles, and they were picking off anything that was drifting through.  

Vedavoo hip pack.
Wet waded up the river just a little bit in to some skinny water, and found some a few more fish drifting that same fly.  I don't know if it was the fly or the amount of fish caught, but the fly was starting to come undone.  Need to do some tweaking...I kind of want to think that the trout were just beating it up throughout the short outing, which is very possible.

Brook trout like to party.
Came across a floating fish, and upon further investigation - I determined it was the biggest trout that I have ever seen with my own eyes in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin, and that it was a brook trout.  Didn't have a wallet on it, so, I wasn't able to determine it's age or where it came from.

What a shame.

All in all it was a solid 1.5 spent fishing on a beautiful day, and a reminder to me and to all of you that live here in the Midwest to get out there and enjoy the outdoors and the kick ass weather while we have it....Winter is coming.

Monday, August 14, 2017



Come on out to tie flies and belt out some jams with the Pig Farm Ink Tour crew at Otter's Saloon for AMERICAN FLYDOL! Bring your vice, tie some flies, or just come on out and party.  Jay Johnson, Nick Halm, Jonathan JonesCasey Anderson, and myself will be there.


Friday, August 11, 2017


Bob Mitchell's Fly Shop and Conservation Corps have teamed up with a few different breweries to host 4 separate river clean ups around the Saint Paul/Minneapolis area.  I attended the first one, and had a great time.  It was my first river clean up, and it was such a positive experience cleaning up some trash around the waters that I fish.

Scavenger Fly and Lift Bridge Brewing table.
I got to explore a part of the Kinnickinnic River that I hadn't fished, and it was beautiful.  I had no idea there were some small waterfalls just up river from the usual stomping grounds.  There wasn't a lot of trash found on this part of the river, and that was surprising to me.  It also, told me that there are definitely others out there that care.

The Kinni. (Kinnickinnic)
Couple hours later we all met back up at the tents and David from Lift Bridge Brewing began to grill up some goods, while we all drank some Lift Bridge brews and told fish stories.

David grillin' up the good.

Hazel the Tiny Dingo keeping cool.

Bret and Evan ready to chow down after a long hard day of cleaning the Kinni (Haha)
It was a great day on the water, and I didn't even wet a line.  I will definitely be back to that section of river with my 3 wt and some small flies.  I spotted quite a few small trout zipping around while I was cleaning up.

Post clean up BBQ.  The yellow bags contained the trash picked up.

Fish stories with Aaron, Robert and Bret.
I won't be around for the next clean up, but I should definitely make it out for the last one.  For a schedule, links, and more information about these river clean ups - please check out the links below.  Big thanks to all of those that did the organizing for these events!  Cheers!

Free the Kinnickinnic.


June 17th: Lift Bridge clean up on the Kinnickinnic River
July 15th - Fulton Brewing clean up on the Mississippi River
August 19th - Odell Brewing clean up on the Vermillion River
September 16th - Lake Monster Brewing clean up on the Minnehaha Creek

Friday, July 21, 2017


Alright - There's no doubt about it, that I have been slacking on my blog.  I don't want you all to think that I'm going to let this die off, because, I won't allow that.  Now that I'm pretty settled in up here in Minnesota, and have spent so much of my free time exploring and learning the lay of the land, trying to make new friends, fishing, and learning an entirely new job, I am starting to find my groove.

Good things are on the Horizon - Possibly another contest where the winner will receive their prize 1 year later...How does that sound, +Howard Levett ? :)

In the meantime while I figure that contest out.  Here's a VLOG of an outing I had with my new Flycraft Stealth.

Jake Keeler musky art on a gose style beer from Fulton Brewing.  Yes Please!

The Carf Outdoors #icatchsmallfish tour still in full effect!

Pretending to look like I know what I'm doing.  The reality is, I have no freakin' clue what I'm doing.  Just trying to look cool.

Friday, July 7, 2017


I bought a Flycraft Stealth boat/raft...whatever you want to call it.  I can't seem to make up my mind, so, I've been referring to it as both.  Big purchase for me, but I am stoked to own it, and get it on the water.  I know what most of you all are probably thinking, that's an expensive raft, but the way I see it is...
  1. I don't need a trailer.
  2. I don't need a garage or driveway to store trailer or an actual boat. (Wish I did, though.)
I can put this thing away in a closet in my bedroom....or I can leave it inflated and use it as a couch in my living room.  I don't think my roommates would mind.  Hahaha

Here's a video of me unboxing it and setting it up (not the full installation)

Big round of applause for my roommate Ben for posing for this picture...for America...and my entertainment. Haha

Don't forget to subscribe to my 
(Click the link above to be sent to the channel)

Monday, June 19, 2017


Let the 2017 Grander Slam games begin!

The week long contest kicked off on Friday the 16th at 6 PM with a run down of the rules at Bob Mitchell's Fly Shop.  The rules will clear and simple - Don't be a dick.

Wasting no time this weekend, I did quite a bit of fishing.  I am traveling to Sioux Falls, South Dakota for a work training thing, and I'll be gone until Friday the 23rd...the day the contest ends. **UPDATE** I am not a smart man.  I was kindly reminded the contest ends Sunday 6/25.  That gives me more time to fish. :) Thanks, Rhea!

It's Monday morning now, and I am pretty much done fishing until this coming Friday when I return.  I'll have a few hours before the final buzzer and I'm hoping to knock off a few more fish, but we'll see.  For now, below you'll find what I've caught.  I'm positive that this will not be enough to win it, but whatever, it was fun!

Species: Bluegill
Length: 7.25 inches

Species: White Crappie
Length: 6.25 inches

Species: Green Sunfish
Length: 4.25 inches

Species: Pumpkinseed
Length: 5.75 inches

Species: Largemouth Bass
Length: 15 inches

Species: Blue Floss Fish
Length: 2.75 inches

To keep up with all of the 2017 Grander Slam action search the hashtag on social media (Facebook, Instagram etc.) 

Thursday, June 8, 2017


I would just like to let all of you know, that it is possible for nightmares to become reality.  While in the Boundary Waters 2 weekends ago, tragedy struck.  While on a mile hike to a lake to see if any walleye were biting, I had to crouch under a tree, but I forgot that I had my beloved white sunglasses in the pocket of my rain jacket.  As I went under the downed tree, I heard a crack.  I knew then and there that it was my sunglasses.

We had a good run.

RIP Summer 2009 - May 28, 2017

Friday, May 5, 2017


My first fish in the state of Minnesota was illegal.
The photograph above shows a beautiful healthy smallmouth bass, a big smile on my face, and my ever so popular white sunglasses, but there's a big issue that is not shown in the photograph.  This fish was caught during the closed season for bass here in Minnesota, and I had no idea.

I had completely forgot that I wasn't in Illinois, and overlooking the fact that each state has different regulations, even for catch and release.  I'm thankful for the 2 guys that shot me a message to inform me, because, I would have kept fishing on my lunch break while unknowingly breaking the rules.  Big shout out goes to Tom of Voyageur Pursuits and Aaron of Scavenger Fly.  You guys saved me a future fishing ticket, and I THANK YOU!

Minnesota Fishing Dates

Walleye, Northern Pike and Bass - May 13 - Feb 25

Musky - June 3 - Dec 1

Crappie, Blueys, White Bass, Perch, Channel Cats, Bull heads - Open year round

For more information on Minnesota fishing regulations, please visit this link - MINNESOTA FISHING REGULATIONS

If you're traveling or have moved to a new state, don't be like me, remember to check the regulations.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Kinnickinnic River

The Kinni (Kinnickinnic) River - I've fished it once last year when I was up here with my homie Dave for the River Falls Fly Fishing Expo hosted by Brian from Lunds Fly Shop.
I was invited out to fish the Kinni by John and there would be 3 others with the group - Robert of Bob Mitchell's Fly Shop, Charlie Forbes, and Jigger Jim.

The day started early.  It was cold, slightly windy, and as the day progressed the warmth of the sun was seeked.  The guides on our rods were freezing up, and there were no fish being caught, but damn was it nice to be out.

The difference in temperature between the shaded and sun hit area was fun.  We all much preferred the sun.

John and Charlie discussing flies and Jim working a very nice pool in the distance.

Theme of the day.
Robert trying his hand at a pool Jim just finished working.  The rest of us were working on our tans.

While Jim and Robert were working the pool above, Charlie, started to rig up a nymphing rig.  We were all tossing streamers all day and the only person who hooked up was Jim.  Once rigged up, Charlie worked the pool and caught a few little browns.  He then suggested and insisted that he rig me up with a nymph, and I agreed...first cast and drift I had a fish on, and I didn't even know it.  Haha

Thanks, for the picture, Jim!
On the trek back John found a deer carcass frozen in some shallow water along the bank.  Interested to see if it had a rack, he started to kick some of the ice, and that unsettled some very potent smells, which lead to some laughs and the end the day.

Kick and Sniff.

A big thank you goes out to John, Robert, Charlie, and Jim, for inviting me out and showing me some new water.  Much appreciated guys!

The Kinni.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Agate Falls - UP Michigan

During my mini winter road trip around the Midwest, I stopped at another waterfall, Agate Falls, to be exact.  This one was different, and not as touristy as my stop at Bond Falls.  There were 2 parking areas, and a man made trail, but the trail only went so far.  You had to view the falls from a great distance.

I noticed that there was a beaten path made that went down to the bottom of the gorge, but there was just a few red flags that went off in my head:
  1. I'm alone and there's no one else around.
  2. Snow, ice, and an pretty steep incline aren't a good combo.
  3. The sun was starting to set.

Given those red flags, and me being me, I still gave it a go.  After a few missteps on some icy rocks, I decided that today was not a good day to die.  So, I turned around and walked back to my car, and called it a day after taking some pictures from afar atop the bridge.

Underneath the train bridge in the distance is Agate Falls.  The pictures I seen on Google look great, and I will definitely be making a trip back here, in much favorable conditions.

It's really easy to drink Shasta Cherry Cola, PBR, and Budweiser.  It's even easier to carry it out with you and toss it in a garbage can in the parking lot or the next gas station you stop at.  Don't be an A hole and leave it somewhere it doesn't belong.  Take out what you take in.  Leave no trace.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Bond Falls Park - UP Michigan

Work. Work. Work.

I was in dire need of a mental escape with all of the hours I've been putting in at work.  I'm not complaining about the hours, because, the extra pay is nice, and if it's there, I'm not one to say no.  

With my car loaded up, I headed North.  Stopped at my favorite Northwoods spot in Wisconsin to spot fish a few familiar areas.  These were going to be quick stops, so, I opted for my casting rod and a spinnerbait, so, I could cover an area faster.  I knocked and knocked, but no one was home.

Next stop - Bond Falls

The last time I was in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, I drove past a sign for Bond Falls, and didn't have a chance to stop there, because, the sun had already set.  When I pulled up the parking area was closed, and I was a little bummed about that. 1/4 mile down the road I came to another parking area, and there was 1 vehicle already there.

Most of the U.P. was covered in snow from the previous week.  I was thankful for this, because, it added an extra element of beauty to the already gorgeous U.P.....and it allowed me to follow some footsteps to find where the falls were haha!

After following some footprints in the snow, I came across some signs.  The tracks were no longer needed.

The walk was fairly short, and the signage and man made paths helped quite a bit.  I can see this place being heavily visited in the summer months with how easy the access is to some great scenic views.  After a short walk along the trail, I came across a small set of waterfalls.  I knew right off the bat that these were not the actual falls, because, I had seen picture on Google.  They were still pretty to see.

Walking further down you come to the top of the falls, and what a sight.  I didn't get any good shots of the view, but it was pretty awesome.  The stairs next to the falls that lead down to the trail that leads you to the front view of the falls is really slippery and icy this time of year.  So be careful!

Now I present to you - Bond Falls.

The falls were incredible, and definitely well worth the stop.  While I was walking in, the couple in the other vehicle were on their way out, so, it was really cool to have the place to myself.   I really wish I could sleep next to them and listen to the sound of that rushing water...I think I may have to take the audio from a short video I took of them, and make it my ring tone or something. Haha

If you're ever in the Central Upper Peninsula, I highly suggest you make a stop to see Bond Falls.  As you can see from the pictures, it's a beautiful place.

It's also supposed to be a good smallmouth fishery, as well.  I've heard the bass aren't big in size, but plentiful and fun.

Go visit now!