The Vedavoo Reel Service Project IV has kicked off. If you don't know about the Vedavoo Reel Service Project, then you should. I've copied and pasted the verbiage from the Vedavoo website below. Entering is free, and donations are welcomed and encouraged!
Photo from the Vedavoo website. |
Here's a blurb from the Vedavoo website.
Behind the creation of each of these beautiful and unique bags is a effort to get you to donate to Project Healing Waters.
In partnership with Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. the REEL SERVICE PROJECT was initiated in 2013 to help raise funds for veteran-focused causes in the Fly Fishing community. That initial effort, which included a series of VEDAVOO packs made out of fabric provided by Patrick over at Recycled Waders featuring original artwork by Jeff Currier set the stage for events to follow.
Proceeds from Reel Service III were enough to pay for nearly 28 YEARS WORTH of FLY TYING COURSES AND MATERIALS for wounded veterans through the efficient use of funds by Project Healing Waters.
Having had the opportunity to receive each artist’s commitment – we are truly humbled and inspired by how quickly and passionately each has stepped up for the cause. As before, VEDAVOO will lead the effort by providing the materials and labor to build the bags and each artist will provide their time and vision painting their signature aesthetic to each finished piece. This year’s event promises to be the best to date. Enter to win one of these very special bags. No Purchase Necessary.
Photo from the Vedavoo website |
This years Artist lineup includes: