Monday, April 24, 2017


I have mentioned it in the past, but my very beautiful and talented cousin Brianna has a food blog - Swinton Kitchen.  I'm not one for recipes, and usually just make things based on what I know works together.  Recently, I decided that I was going to give one of her recipes a shot.

I chose the Swinton Kitchen: Cucumber Salmon Bites, and let me tell ya...they turned out fantastic, and delicious!!!

My finished product. Devoured moments after this photo.
Next up on my Swinton Kitchen list to try are the Apple Cookies.  I'll report back.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Let's Have Some Fun

Alrighty - I promised you guys a contest back in January, I believe.  I am now ready to follow through with that.  I've also decided to make it a string of contests, so, consider this the first of quite a few.  Exciting right?!?!

I'm all for jokes and laughing, and favorite comments to scroll through are found on "CAPTION THIS" contests that you would see on the Book of Face, and IG.  With that said, I give you...


Below you'll find a picture of our beloved Blogging friend +Howard Levett from WINDKNOTS AND TANGLED LINES.  I will have one of my coworkers choose the best comment next Wednesday 04/26.  There are prizes for the winner.  I will disclose the prize once the winner is chosen.  Oh, and Howard is allowed to participate.


There is no cap on how many comments you make.  I do ask 1 favor, but it's not required - Subscribe to my CARF Outdoors YouTube Channel.  It's not required to participate, but it'd be cooler if you did.  I have some things in the works for that, that I believe you all will enjoy.  :)

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Rush... Rush River - It's not known for slappin' da bass, and if it is, I'm sorry for misinforming you all.  What I can tell you is that it rocks as a fishery!

With me being a "FIB" - I am ever so grateful of everyone that's invited me out fishing with them since I've moved up here to Minnesota.  There's truly some really awesome people up here, especially within the fly fishing community.

On this particular outing I was invited out by Jim, and his friend Ted.  The morning was cold, and it got even colder with the wind.

Suns out.
The area was scenic, and that kind of made you forget about the cold winds - That's BS.  Those cold winds were winning the battle, and letting you know each and every breeze that it was there.  The fishing was extremely slow, but I always manage to hook into rocks or fish sticks.

Snag City.
Long hikes to even more scenic areas yielded no trout.  Determined to hook up with trout the way that we wanted to, on a streamer, both Jim and I were stubborn to change flies.  It was also way too cold to be tying knots haha.

Can you believe that nothing came out of the brush pile.
Ted had been using a nymph rig all day, and I'm not quite sure the number of fish he caught, but I can certainly say that he was catching fish.  That was a positive sign.

On to a new location on the Rush, and I was still tossing a streamer.  I finally hooked up with 1, but shortly lost it as I was jumping in the water off the bank.  Jim switched to a nymph rig, and was able to entice a decent little brown from out of a pool that should have produced more.

Ted showing us where all the fish are.

Jim hooked up in his honey hole.
These brown trout of the Driftless really have a particular beauty to them.

Butter in the net.
A big THANKS goes out to Jim, and Ted for having me out with them on the Rush, and showing me where to grab a damn good burger on the way home!

The trek back with Jim and Ted's excellent adventure.