Friday, February 13, 2015

Fly Tying video...failed.

So, I attempted to make a fly tying video, and this screen shot from the footage was the only thing worth sharing. Maybe next time....

Here's a cool video from Fly Fishing the Ozarks. These Iron Fly events hosted by Pig Farm Ink look pretty cool, and fun. A great way to get people who haven't tied involved. It's a completely different way to promote the sport, but I believe it's perfect for the times today. I hope to partake in one of these events this year, where, I don't know, so, we shall see!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

I forgot how to count.

Needing to fill an order for a dozen Zebra Midges. I grabbed my size 22 hooks, beads, wire, and my newly acquired half hitch Rite Bobbin (Review to come after extensive use). I thought I had counted out 12, but when I was finished, I only had 11 flies, and of course I had already put everything away....I've been trying to keep my desk as organized as possible.

My last Bells Hop Slam. Sad face.
Maybe a few too many of these led to me miscounting the flies.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hop Slamming Some Buggers!

One of my favorite craft beers was recently released - Hop Slam by Bell's Brewery. A few of my friends took a road trip to the brewery in Kalamazoo, Michigan. They informed me that the brewery and local stores were sold out of the beer, so, my only hope was to wait until it was distributed to the Chicagoland area, and even then I wasn't guaranteed to get it.

Fortunately for me, my GF and her mom are awesome, and were able to find a 6 pack for me! Woo-Hoo! A big THANK YOU goes out to them!

Hop Slam glassware
Poured myself a few of those that night, caught up with a show I started watching with the GF, and tied up some buggers for my personal stash. Loving the Vedavoo bench basin! 

These buggers do well for me on the lakes and ponds that are in my area.

Here's the material list:
1. Black Marabou tail
2. Two Strands of silver crystal flash
3. Olive medium chenille for the body
4. Black Saddle Hackle Feather for the head
5. Cone bead (put on before any of the other materials)

Sticker from @WYCOFLYCO on Instagram