Thursday, April 9, 2015


We're finally have been having somewhat consistently warmer weather (40-50-60 degrees). I had planned to take the kayak out and fish a local lake in search of some hungry Spring pike and musky. I didn't get the early start I wanted, because, it was EXTREMELY windy, but eventually I got out there in the afternoon.

Good times are on the horizon.
What a great day it was to be on the water. I brought 3 of my big flies, and a few spinnerbaits for my baitcaster. There were 2 other guys I am familiar with from a fishing forum out on the lake along with me. They were tossing spinnerbaits, and hooking up with some decent sized bass.
8/0 Musky/Pike single baitfish.
I, on the other hand, did not hook up with any fish. I did, however, came very close to piercing my ear. Lucky for me, the hook missed and caught my hat. I was alternating between my fly rod and my baitcaster the whole time. Switching to my baitcaster when the wind picked up, but in this instance, I was stubborn and decided to try and cast my fly, but the wind picked up even more.

It's instances like that, that remind me not to press my luck, and I hope you all remember that, too! Be careful out there!

If it were to have pierced my ear, I would have had to tie up a duplicate for the other ear.
I also, forgot my waders, and didn't have a pair of sandals with me, either. My feet were frozen. Haha Gotta love the early season struggles. =)

Happy Days!
Oh, how I've missed writing, and reading blogs. I've been busy, but I am looking forward to catching up on all that I've missed!!! I've got some time set aside for that tomorrow.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Fiberglass Fun

I am finally joining in on all of the fiberglass fun. With my recent win of an Abel Reel in an F3T photo contest, I needed a rod to go with the satin blue colored reel. I am one for things to look good, and a blue reel wasn't the easiest reel to pair with.

At first, I thought about all the beautifully colored fiberglass rods from Swift Fly Fishing, and Blue Halo...and then I started looking at the price. I just couldn't do it. Then it hit me, duh, how about those yellow Eagle Claw Featherweight fiberglass rods. It's a match!

Now I'm just waiting for the blue line I ordered from Shadow Fly Fishing, and then I can take it out on an outing. Looking forward to it!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Eye of the Fire Tiger

+Dave from Urban Assault Fly Fishing was headed down to Florida for a week. I tied him up some of my white and gray EP fiber baitfish. Hopefully, these worked out for him down there. If not, I'm sure these will catch some bass around our parts.

I also tied him up a gurgler. Just like the baitfish, if he doesn't catch anything on it down in Florida, it'll most definitely be able to attract some bass up here. One thing I did with this pattern was glue the 2 pieces of foam together, which I have never done in the past, and it makes for a much better fly. Always learning, I am. 

Eye of the Fire Tiger. I've got it!