Monday, March 23, 2015

Sick and Sunshine

My GF passed on whatever sickness she had last weekend to me, so, I can be miserable this past weekend. With temps in the 40-50s and the sun shining, I watched from our 2nd floor bedroom window as all of the snow melted away, and ice start to retreat to corners of the backyard lake.

Saturday afternoon I had it. I just had to go outside and make a cast, and to get some fresh air for me and Bo (One of our dogs. The other is visiting my mom.). My GF eventually came outside and enjoyed the sunshine, as well.

I casted a square bill lure in a natural colored pattern with my baitcaster. I hooked something 10 minutes in, and to my surprise it was a carp!! It was hooked on the outside of the mouth with the front treble hook, and on the side of the head with the back treble. Is it a catch? - I'll allow it.

Right behind me is my GF's townhouse. Pretty sweet!
...and here's the face I'm sure everyone makes when a fish is set to flop right out of your hands. Luckily, this one didn't escape my grasp, but you can definitely see the concern on my face. HAHA!

This picture is definitely a wall hanger!
Off it goes. Hopefully, the next time I hook up with that carp, it'll be with my fly rod, and I won't be sick. Don't you just love a good release shot! I know I do. Not bad for a 15 minute outing. Oh, Happy Days!!

**It started to snow again on Sunday afternoon, and as of this Monday morning, I can see that we accumulated about 3 inches of heavy wet snow. When will it end!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Another Happy Customer

I love seeing photos of people catching fish with the flies that I tied. Evan (you can find him on Instagram @coloradooutdoorsman) hooked up with his first norther pike out in Colorado with a big bass fly I had sent him. How awesome is that!!!

Congrats, Evan!!!!

Lately, I've been in the giving spirit, so, I would like to offer all of you one of my Carf Outdoors stickers! Just shoot me an email at if we're friends on FB you can just shoot me a message on there.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Baby Something

With extremely beautiful weather of 60 degrees that we've been experiencing, I've found a resurgence in my motivation (I think it's because I can now wear shorts!). I've been getting a ton accomplished around the house, and at the vise. The lake in the backyard is showing open water along the shorelines, and it has me fired up. I've been a tying machine! Filling up empty slots in my personal arsenal.

On my musky and pike flies, I normally use eyes with a clear cure goo head, but I've been wanting to try something different. I've seen quite a few people using spun deer hair on the heads of their flies, so, they're able to push more water around. So, I gave it a whirl, and I am extremely happy with the results.

What do you think it best resembles?
+ Mouse / Rat
+ Muskrat
+ Baby beaver
+ Smallmouth Bass
+ Baby squirrel

I think it resembles all of those in some way, but I smell a rat. Here's to hoping those DPR pike, and musky up North love these!