The wind, it's unforgiving and cuts right through you like White Castle sliders on a Saturday morning. You're freezing cold, and you're unsure you have a face, because, you can't feel it anymore. The snot dripping from your nostrils is uncontrollable, but it doesn't even phase you, because, the fish don't care, and neither do you at this point.
Your mind starts to wander, and you start talking to yourself in your head...
I should have worn that extra layer.
I could be home tying flies right now.
Do I have boogers hanging from my nose?
I wish I could feel my face.
I wish I could be poppin' bottles instead of holes.
I sure could go for some chili and my couch.
I should have spent the extra $10 bucks on the nicer gloves.
Should I leave now?
Why am I out here?
I wish I had a shanty.
Is this ice going to break?
Welcome to the exciting world of ice fishing.
(In my opinion.)
Big thanks to Catchafew for bringing his shanty. It was used a total of 15 minutes. |
I don't always ice fish, but when I do, it's because, I forget how miserable I'm going to be out on the ice.
Invited a few friends out to ice fish my backyard lake after work one night. DanK, BassMan Kevin, and Catchafew all arrived around 7 PM on a Wednesday night. Have more friends around this time made the outing a lot more tolerable. The stories and laughing made me forget about the cold.
The ice was 8-10 inches, but it had me buggin', because, it kept making noises. It didn't phase the other guys. They're experience ice anglers, and kept reassuring me that I wasn't going to fall in, and if I did, I would have only been in about 6 foot of water, and a 100 yard walk back to my house.
DanK trying to coax a bite. |
DanK and BassMan set up some tip ups, while Catchafew and I jigged with waxies under a vexlar. I had a nice sized bluegill on, but lost it right at the top of the hole. Eventually the wind picked up, and Catchafew set up his shanty. What a life saver that was. I even caught a small panfish.
Catchafew was the only guy not able to hook into a fish. DanK and BassMan found the same size sunfish as me, in about 2 foot of water.
After drilling holes everywhere, some false hope, because, the tip ups being triggered by the wind we all decided to call it a night around Midnight. Even thought I couldn't feel my face, I had a good time, mainly because of the company. Thanks, again, for coming out guys!
My first fish of 2016. Definitely a wall hanger. |
If you come across any melted ice in my backyard, BassMan Kevin and his centerfold jigging pose is to blame.
BassMan Kevin aka Mr. January melting some ice. |
A little play on a very disgusting videos that I've seen and most everyone has heard about. |