Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Baby Something

With extremely beautiful weather of 60 degrees that we've been experiencing, I've found a resurgence in my motivation (I think it's because I can now wear shorts!). I've been getting a ton accomplished around the house, and at the vise. The lake in the backyard is showing open water along the shorelines, and it has me fired up. I've been a tying machine! Filling up empty slots in my personal arsenal.

On my musky and pike flies, I normally use eyes with a clear cure goo head, but I've been wanting to try something different. I've seen quite a few people using spun deer hair on the heads of their flies, so, they're able to push more water around. So, I gave it a whirl, and I am extremely happy with the results.

What do you think it best resembles?
+ Mouse / Rat
+ Muskrat
+ Baby beaver
+ Smallmouth Bass
+ Baby squirrel

I think it resembles all of those in some way, but I smell a rat. Here's to hoping those DPR pike, and musky up North love these!


  1. Cool that you took what I consider the hard way. Spinning deer hair is a real art in my book and yours look great. Call it what you want, I'm sure it will work.

    1. Thank you, Howard! I haven't gotten into that technique of fly fishing. I think this will be the extent of my deer hair spinning. As long as the fish like 'em, I'll be happy.
