Thursday, March 19, 2015

Another Happy Customer

I love seeing photos of people catching fish with the flies that I tied. Evan (you can find him on Instagram @coloradooutdoorsman) hooked up with his first norther pike out in Colorado with a big bass fly I had sent him. How awesome is that!!!

Congrats, Evan!!!!

Lately, I've been in the giving spirit, so, I would like to offer all of you one of my Carf Outdoors stickers! Just shoot me an email at if we're friends on FB you can just shoot me a message on there.


  1. It's a great feeling when you or someone else is catching fish on your flies. I've been there and enjoyed the moment.

    1. It's really cool seeing pictures of fish caught in different parts of the country by others using your flies. You want a sticker Howard?
